Perbedaan CaLendula dan Rose,
untuk yang kulitnya cenderung terang dan putih cukup dengan Calendula, tapi yang kulit wajah sawo matang/ gelap dan lebih ke outdoor itu pas nya dengan Rose Girl.
oRiginal From Korea
Essential Blemish Balm.
Nature & Intense Distillate.
Price: Rp 185.000,-
The Beautiful & flawless girls who live in the romance rose garden.
Terdiri dari :
- 60 ML BB Cream.
- UV Protecting SPF 35 PA++ WRINKLE
Dear, kenapa sih Harus pake BB?
BB Cream Lohashill ini sangat bagus untuk memperbaiki textur kulit wajah kita, mengecilkan pori2 dan menghilangkan bekas jerawat.
Selain sebagai make up base,
Lohashill BB CREAM juga sebagai perawatan untuk wajah sehari2 dan proteksi dari sinar matahari yang dapat menyebabkan kerusakan pada kulit wajah. Karena SPF 35++.
Pemakaian cukup tipis2 saja, sehingga terlihat natural dan rata. Cream langsung menyatu dengan kulit wajah kita, tidak terasa berat seperti foundation pada umumnya.
Perbedaan BB Cream LOHASHiLL dengan Foundation biasa?
Perbedaan mendasar antara BB Cream dan Foundation adalah manfaat dan texturnya.
BB Cream ringan dan cocok dipakai setiap saat dan bersifat merawat dan mengobati kulit wajah kita.
Natural ingredients:
Rose-essential oils, rose dew, marigold, hesperidin, aloe pearl powder, abutin, tea-polyphenol, vitamin C, collagen & Fructose.
It can make your skin naturally white and it is effective in hydrating & moisturizing your skin, concealing acne, feckless & Scars,
Whitening and Tendering your skin,
Protecting your skin from the damaging ultraviolet rays of the sun, concealing pores, smoothening fine wrinkles, restoring your skin to bright condition.
It can prevent the black spot and Frecles due to ultraviolet rays, and keep your skin healthy and brightly transparent after the continous use of the product.
It can enchance skin metabolism effectively, strengthen the high penetration effect of many skin care ingredients, keep pore patent & reduce the growth of acne, pimples and blackheads. It can optimize the re – growth of cells, keeping your skin smooth and flawless, pure transparent, WHITE n BRIGHT.
Instruction of BB Cream:
· After cleansing skin, apply an appropriate amount of the product to forehead, face & neck, and then adjust the best make up according to your skin sense.
· Embellish more on the skin with flaws to make the complexion even.
· Proceed to the following make up procedures without applying sunscreen cream, foundation and pre-make up cream.
Instruction of Cleansing oiL:
After getting an appropriate amount of the product onto cooton puff, gently remove the cosmetic dirt on ur face&lips, which can be repeated until the skin gets clean completely, and then rinse off with clean water & warm watter BB Cream CALENDULA
oRiginal From Korea
Essential Blemish Balm.
Nature & Intense Distillate.
Price: Rp 185.000,-
ALL around WHITENING BB Cream UV Protecting SPF
Terdiri dari :
- 60 ML BB Cream.
- 10 ML BB Cream ( untuk Traveling )
- UV Protecting SPF 30 PA++ WHITENING
Dear, kenapa sih Harus pake BB?
BB Cream Lohashill ini sangat bagus untuk memperbaiki textur kulit wajah kita, mengecilkan pori2 dan menghilangkan bekas jerawat.
Selain sebagai make up base,
Lohashill BB CREAM juga sebagai perawatan untuk wajah sehari2 dan proteksi dari sinar matahari yang dapat menyebabkan kerusakan pada kulit wajah. Karena SPF 35++.
Pemakaian cukup tipis2 saja, sehingga terlihat natural dan rata. Cream langsung menyatu dengan kulit wajah kita, tidak terasa berat seperti foundation pada umumnya.
Perbedaan BB Cream LOHASHiLL dengan Foundation biasa?
Perbedaan mendasar antara BB Cream dan Foundation adalah manfaat dan texturnya.
BB Cream ringan dan cocok dipakai setiap saat dan bersifat merawat dan mengobati kulit wajah kita.
Natural ingredients:
Containing marigold, essential oil & marigold lotion, the product has basic effects in repairing skin, controlling grease, hydrating, moisturizing, embellishing, regulating tones, and concealing pores, wrinkles & spots. Making you have beautiful & smooth make up, with light texture after use. The added whitening ingredient can penetrate into deep your skin quickly, and enchance the breaking down of melanin & restrain the activity of tyrosinase, which can effectively enchance the removal of the spots such as sunburn & black spots, etc.
Enchancing your skin BEAUTIFUL n WHITE.
It can make your skin naturally white and it is effective in hydrating & moisturizing your skin, concealing acne, feckless & Scars,
Whitening and Tendering your skin,
Protecting your skin from the damaging ultraviolet rays of the sun, concealing pores, smoothening fine wrinkles, restoring your skin to bright condition.
It can prevent the black spot and Frecles due to ultraviolet rays, and keep your skin healthy and brightly transparent after the continous use of the product.
It can enchance skin metabolism effectively, strengthen the high penetration effect of many skin care ingredients, keep pore patent & reduce the growth of acne, pimples and blackheads. It can optimize the re – growth of cells, keeping your skin smooth and flawless, pure transparent, WHITE n BRIGHT.
Instruction of BB Cream:
· After cleansing skin, apply an appropriate amount of the product to forehead, face & neck, and then adjust the best make up according to your skin sense.
· Embellish more on the skin with flaws to make the complexion even.
· Proceed to the following make up procedures without applying sunscreen cream, foundation and pre-make up cream.
Instruction of Cleansing oiL:
After getting an appropriate amount of the product onto cooton puff, gently remove the cosmetic dirt on ur face&lips, which can be repeated until the skin gets clean completely, and then rinse off with clean water & warm watter.
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